[TowerTalk] LXC continuing Garage Sale

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 19:49:38 EST

Howdy, TowerTalkians --

       I think I've got the garage just about cleaned out; here's the latest

1   Rohn TB3 thrust bearing - new   $65.00

1   Rohn AS25G rotor shelf - new    $32.00

2  Rohn AS25G rotor shelf - used    $25.00 each
       (These are the old style round ones - they're much more brute than the
current bent steel ones. For Hy-Gain bolt pattern.)

1   Rohn EP25343 Three-hole equalizer plate - new    $18.00

90'   LMR600 w/PL-259's at each end - used    $50.00

95'   LMR600 w/N & PL-259 - used      $50.00

1   Wanzer Z4 Z Match tuner - used     $50.00

     Everything will be shipped UPS with shipping & handling added to the

Cheers,   Steve    K7LXC

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