[TowerTalk] Subjective Analysis... was 15 & 40 interaction
Bill Fisher - W4AN
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:35:34 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 k6ll@juno.com wrote:
> If you want some hard facts, look at my contest scores for the last
> 12 years. KT-34XA at 49', 40-2CD six feet above that, booms
> aligned. If you want to hear my 15 meter signal, drop me an email.
> We can go on 15 meter SSB, where the XA, according to some experiments,
> has a negative front-to-back ratio. It will blow your ears off, when
> pointed at you. The f/b is about 12dB. I don't have any experience with
> the Force 12 stuff.
Hard facts? Huh?
I would not be too quick to take "check out my signal" or "check out these
results" as a basis for making your decision. It is my experience that
just about any antenna from Yuma Arizona is loud at my house, and K6LL is
one of the best operators in the country... he would have impressive
results with an R5 vertical.
The answer to your question is to buy an antenna modelling software and
model it yourself. You will probably find out that the pattern of the
antenna is most negatively affected by the other antenna. Then it becomes
a choice of trade-offs. But at least you will KNOW what's going on and
not making a "good" guess or using someone else's good guess.
If I were you I would ignore any suggestion from anyone that's basis is
stated as "I was the first one through to XYZ", "Check out my contest
results", or "Listen to my signal some time". This type of information
only makes the person writing it feel better about a mistake he has
probably made. And I don't mean to pick on Dave... I've seen these types
of posts here over and over again. The are meaningless.
Bill Fisher, W4AN
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