[TowerTalk] Slit-PVC-like stuff for guys

Tower2sell@aol.com Tower2sell@aol.com
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 21:48:23 EDT

In a message dated 10/13/1999 5:02:56 PM Central Daylight Time, 
jfleming@shelbynet.net writes:

> I'm looking for the slit plastic tubes, or something similar, that utility
>  companies put over their utility pole guy wires for visibility.  I'd like 
>  use something like this to put over cables lying on the ground for (a
>  little) more protection.  I've looked through the McMaster-Carr site - some
>  pipe insulation looks close, but there has to be something else.  Can't 
>  anything locally.  Tips on what it's called and/or where to get it greatly
>  appreciated!  Tnx - 73
In the utility world they are call guy guards. I would start looking with 
Preform Line Products (PLP). They make the big grips for the guy wires.

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