[TowerTalk] 402CD + Skyhawk

Tony Kazmakites n2tk@idsi.net
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 06:07:48 -0400

Has anyone tried shorting the reflector to the boom on the XM240 to see if
it behaves better with tribanders like the 40-2CD? Do the dimensions have to
be changed on the reflector?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-towertalk@contesting.com]On Behalf Of KI7WX@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 9:37 PM
To: towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Re: [TowerTalk] 402CD + Skyhawk

Well I must admit it was a longshot to find someone that had tried the
Skyhawk and the XM240.  Thanks to those that reponded, nothing new but I do
appreciate the time it takes to type in an answer.

Let me try another angle at the same issue and see what folks are
doing/thinking.  I hope it's not a waste of bandwidth, but effective one
tower stations are interesting to the majority of TT participants I think.

Assuming a 100-110 foot tower with goal to cover 10-40M effectively.  The
approach that makes sense to me is a three stack of tribanders spaced about
30-35 feet and a 40M 2L yagi up top.  This has worked for a lot of guys
already so very little reinventing of the wheel to be done.  The assumption,
however, is that the 40M 2L can coexist well with the tribander and have
sufficient bandwidth to cover 40M.  The latter pretty much rules out the
linear loaded 2L 40 shorties and leaves the Cushcraft.  I don't   THe 402CD
seemed to do this nicely while the XM240 may not.

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