[TowerTalk] Push-up/Guyed Masts

Sun, 23 Apr 2000 23:54:57 -0400


     I, too, had a RS push-up mast that I used to hold up an array of V/UHF
antennas.  I replaced the cotter pins with two 1/4" bolts per joint and I
guyed the 30-foot mast at the 20 and 30 foot levels.  I bracketed the lowest
section to the side of the house on the roof of the garage and pushed the
upper two sections up by hand.  Worked great.  I still have all three
sections after 20 years (originally used to support a 5/8 WL ten-meter GP,
also from RS.)  Remember - because of the overlap  between sections a "30
foot" mast is only about 28 feet tall.

     As long as you don't try to raise the HF Yagi by tilting the mast up,
the RS contraption will work just fine.

GL es 73 DE
Gene Smar  AD3F

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom K Osborne <w7why@juno.com>
To: towertalk@contesting.com <towertalk@contesting.com>
Date: Sunday, April 23, 2000 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Push-up/Guyed Masts

>On Sun, 23 Apr 2000 11:13:29 -0700 Dana Roode <K6NR@ARRL.net> writes:
>>   Does anyone have any recommendations on a source for a 30 or
>> so foot push-up mast that could support a small tribander (A-3) or some
>> vhf beams?  All I tend to see around is standard TV masts, which I
>> don't think will cut it.
>>   Dana, K6NR
>HI Dana
>I used a Radio Shack push-up mast for a long time before I got the tower
>I have now.  Had a 2 el quad,  A-3, 3 el 20 meter mono-bander and now a 2
>el 10 meter mono-bander on it.  Never had any problems.  It was right
>next to the house so I could let it down when some of the Coos Bay winds
>started blowing.  I bought it at a garage sale about 15 years or so ago
>and still using it.  73
>Tom W7WHY
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