[TowerTalk] 5 element HB9CV for 10m
Ferenc Nemeth
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:51:53 +0200
Hello Rico,
thank you very much for your question, and visit my page.
I decided to build HB because HB is smaller than Yagi and have a
better f/b ratio.
The source of my antenna is a 5 element CB antenna. I recalculate the
sizes, then I have to make some fine tuning. Now if somebody build this
antenna with that parameters it will work well from the first time.
I can compare my 2 element HB (15m) with the new 5 element (10m) only. I
will build 5 element for 15m too, but I have not tower where to put them. I
can tell you that my friend has two of this antenna. The f/b ratio is more
better than the 2 elemnt so I think the gain is greater too. I make some
test with some station. These test were very simlpe. I know where the
station is. Set the direction to 0, 90 and 180 from the right direction.
The test rig was an FT-920 and its S-meter. The minimm difference was S-0
(and cannot hear) to S-5. We made this test with my 2 element version but
the difference is smaller. When the direction was right (deg, 0) => S-5
when the direction was back (deg. 180) => S-1,2 (I can understand morse
code). My friend (HA7UG, Laci) told me: A lot of "Good dx" station answers
less then 5 minutes. (pwr lower then 100 watt out).
I think you can feel the difference if you have it. It is not a 'big' thing!
Best regards Feri (HA7EA)
At 10:15 2000. 04. 25.3 ê +0200, you wrote:
>hi Feri,
>nice to see that someone is coming up with a hb9cv design using more
>directors. I had hb9cv's for 20/15/10 in the past and tried to add
>directors to improve gain with very little succsess.
>now my question is:
>- how did you get the dimensions, did you model it, you have any other
>- what is the gain compared to a "normal" hb9cv
>- do the added directors have influence on the good f/b ratio?
>tnx, Rico!
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