[TowerTalk] Re: Can takeoff angle be too low?
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 06:11:36 -0600
Here is more corroborating evidence that a LOW
antenna is sometimes best during daytime operation
on the high bands. In this case, N2IC/0 found a 6L10
at 45 ft was better than his high KT34XA stacks to Europe
on 10 Meters during the CQ WW CW DX Contest in November
where he set a new all time W0 record.
Any other similar observations?
de Tom N4KG
> Callsign Used : N2IC
> Mode : CW
> Category : Single-Op All Band High Power
> Station Used : N2IC/0
> QTH : Colorado
> BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Countries Zones
> ___________________________________________________________
> 160CW 18 18 40 12 10
> 80CW 162 162 451 36 18
> 40CW 520 511 1483 85 31
> 20CW 624 616 1788 96 33
> 15CW 833 826 2380 112 35
> 10CW 1101 1079 3089 115 32
> ___________________________________________________________
> Totals 3258 3212 9231 456 159 -->
>Total Score : 5,677,065
>Equipment and Antennas
>Station 1 - Kenwood TS-950SDX + Alpha 76PA
>Station 2 - Kenwood TS-930S/PIEXX + Alpha 76CA
>Tower 1 - 120' Rohn 25G
>KT-34XA at 120'/65' in upper/lower/both stack
>Tower 2 - 120' Rohn 45G
>KLM 40-3 at 120'
>KT-34A at 115'
>6 el 10 OWA Design at 45' fixed NE
>160 meter half sloper
>2 phased 80 meter verticals with 4 elevated radials each
>600' Beverages NE, E, SE, SW, NW
> Around 1600Z I noticed that I could run on 10 meters
> using the KT34XA stack, and listen on the other radio
> on 10 meters on the 6 element OWA yagi. So....
> I could do same-band 2nd radio S&P.
> I opened up on 28001 at 1525Z, but was quickly chased away
> after 11 QSO's in 6 minutes. I didn't want to waste time finding
> a run frequency, so I went right to 28158 ! It was a good run,
> with OZ6PI and ER0ND being new mults. Today, I found that
>the 6 element OWA at 45' was much better than the stacked
>KT34XA's - On some stations as much as 2 S-units. I had never
> seen this much of an advantage for the low antenna before.
> Steve N2IC / 0
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