[TowerTalk] Tower & Antenna accessories

k4sqr@juno.com k4sqr@juno.com
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 08:26:27 -0400

The following new products have been added to
Click on 

Product Brochure

SRR-1: A 60 hole stainless steel radial ring for our 4-Square and 2 el.
phased array customers.

VFA: Vertical Feed point Assembly   for Comtek 4-Square and 2 el.  array
customers building aluminum verticals

The following new products have been developed and will be available
later this Summer:

SYS-3 Stack Yagi (2-3 yagi) Switch based on K3LR's design.

RCAS-8 Remote Antenna Switch for 8 antennas.

73 es DX,
Jim Miller, K4SQR

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