[TowerTalk] Fiberglass poles for wire antenna support?

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Sun, 23 Jul 2000 20:23:44 -0400

Hi Bill,

> If I crowd the fence line I can just fit a full wave 80 meter skyloop in
> my backyard.

Of course you know a loop won't show you any useful gain over a 
dipole in that configuration, although it will have a more favorable 
impedance on even harmonics. 
The fiberglass poles sound nice. WA9SXJ uses them with success.

> Question # 2, from the feed point to the first half wave supports it's
> pretty flat. The next half wave is up an incline (4:1) that rises about
> 15-20' above the previous section over the run to the last support. The
> slope then continues off my property for another 40' back and 10' up the
> slope to the top of the ridge. Should I keep the antenna flat on top or
> follow the ground slope? Keeping it flat on top would lower the profile a
> little. Would anyone like to take a guess about the change in the
> antenna's pattern and launch angles in any of the forgoing configurations?

I don't think you'll see a lot of difference. I go for as much height as 
I could get, rather than giving up height in some areas to keep the 
antenna at uniform height above ground. The pattern will be 
somewhat "messy" no matter what you do on higher bands, and 
focused straight-up on 80 meters.

73, Tom W8JI

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