[TowerTalk] Bird dummy load?
Ronald C. Barnes
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 22:54:44 -0400
Its a dummy load. Coaxial Resistor is Bird's fancy name for a dummy
load. Its a great big resistor soaked in oil. Probably 50 ohms 100 watts,
but because of the oil and fins, it can dissapate 500W. What more do you
need to know?
The only thing to watch for on these Bird loads is the oil gets old and
they start to show greater than 1.0:1 SWR. I have two as intermediate
cavity loads on a 60KW klystron transmitter. The curve was very spikey,
between 1.04 to 1.07:1 SWR (this counts in TV broadcast). And in the 5MHz
window that is my channel (43), the SWR did have a noticable curve (1.04 -
Bird wont return phone calls from a TV station, so I think the outlook for
a ham is even bleaker. I found Dielectric will gladly sell oil for the
loads, but its $45.00 / gallon!!!
Basically, use the load for any 500W class service you have. I would NOT
run 1000 W into it for even a few seconds. If its close to 1.0:1 swr, dont
fix what aint broke.
At 09:22 PM 7/24/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Good evening,
> This isn't exactly tower related per se, but I was hoping to get a
>little information on this item. It claims: BIRD---- 8201 ----- TERMALINE
>It has an "N" connector for coaxial connector. I have a photo if anyone
>desires to see it. I would like any information on this, or if anyone has a
>manual, I would like to obtain a copy.
>Thanks in advance,
>Jack Markum N5DUW
>Killeen, Texas
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