[TowerTalk] Guy wire Clamps

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:21:17 EDT

In a message dated 07/28/2000 2:13:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
dhearn@ix.netcom.com writes:

> A recent post by W8JI indicates that these should be installed
>  with the saddle on the load bearing cable side and the u bolt on the
>  flying end of the cable. I believe that I have seen this same
>  instruction somewhere else. I am pretty sure that the information is
>  correct but this seems backward to what I would come up with
>  intuitively. Can someone clarify this situation? 

    You want the saddle on the live, or loadbearing, side of the cable. The 
'dead' side is the cut part with an end. The saying is "never saddle a dead 
horse". That is, don't put the saddle on the dead side. Clamp capacity is 
reduced about 40% by installing it backwards. 
    I don't know anyone that uses clamps anymore. Preformed grips are some 
much easier and faster that I suggest you use them instead.

Cheers,   Steve   K7LXC
Tower Tech 

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