[TowerTalk] Preformed Guy Grips

Stan or Patricia Griffiths w7ni@teleport.com
Sat, 29 Jul 2000 15:20:43 -0700

Well, I guess that depends on who you ask, doesn't it?  Your experience
hasn't been too bad with the "wrong" grips.  As near as I can tell, all you
have is a slightly lower safety factor than you would have if you used Big

Free is a very good price.

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

Wyllma Wall wrote:

> Hi All,
> I guess I am lost. I have used the wrong guy grips for about 25 years.
> They were free. After normal stretching occurred no problems. Tower was
> Rohn 25g at a height of 145'. Stacked Quads and terrible storms. here.
>                                                           Bill Wall
> Stan or Patricia Griffiths wrote:
> > In an effort to better serve one of my customers who wanted
> > to use 1/4" EHS guy cable and Preformed Guy Grips, I decided
> > to research and supply the materials to him.  As a Rohn
> > Dealer, I knew I could buy all of that stuff directly from
> > Rohn but I thought there must be a better (cheaper) way
> > since the cost of shipping steel from Indiana to Oregon is
> > NOT inexpensive.

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