[TowerTalk] Yaaseu thrust bearing and Rohn 25G

Sylvan Katz jskatz@sk.sympatico.ca
Wed, 07 Jun 2000 10:03:17 -0600

First let me thank everyone who responded to my question about mounting
a KT34XA + Tail Twister on a Rohn FK 25. In summary what I have learned
is that there should be no problems at my qth if tower is guyed to
strong anchors and the rotor is placed well below the apex. I intend to
fasten each set of  guys to an equalising plate attached to 5' piece of
square steel embedded in a 10" x 6' concrete pile.


Does the Yaesu gs-050(50mm) thurst bearing fit the top plate of a Rohn


Sylvan Katz
Saskatoon, SK

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