[TowerTalk] Re: Diamond 2m/70cm Vertical versus Radio Shack
Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:49:04 -0600
Hi David,
I haven't compared the Diamond vertical with the Radio Shack
vertical (wasn't even aware they had one). Diamond has several
versions of their 2m/70cm and I haven't yet decided which one
I'm buying. Come to think of it, I haven't really done my homework
on the 2m/70cm antennas (as opposed to the HF vertical, which
I properly researched).
Regarding you second question..here's what I plan to do:
I purchased a 2-inch diameter, 10-foot long galvinized pipe at
Home Depot which I had them cut into one four foot piece and
two three foot pieces (which will be used for mounting the inverted
vee end supports). I also purchased a steel cap which screws onto
the threaded ends of the pipe. So what you do is screw on the cap,
sledgehammer the pipe almost all the way into the ground, remove
the cap and slide the mast inside of the pipe. The Radio Shack
telescoping mast's bottom section is *just* under 2 inches, so
it's a nice snug fit.
One other thing...while banging the pipe into the ground, I plan
on taking it out every few inches and knocking out the dirt that
is lodged in the end of the pipe. If you don't do this, then the
mast will not be below ground level when you slip it into the
pipe. I'll probably do this for the first three feet and then have
the bottom foot or so of pipe driven the rest of the way into
the earth.
Since the pipe is going into undistured soil, it should be a
make for a pretty sturdy base. Hopefully, I won't hit any large
I did this for my Butternut antenna and it worked very well.
Hope this helps.
Jeff KI0RO
On Thu, 08 Jun 2000, DavidC wrote:
> Jeff & Others:
> Two questions, please?
> 1. How does the Diamond 2m/70cm Vertical compare
> to the Radio Shack fiberglass coated one?
> (cost, performance, strength, quality)
> 2. I have a 30 foot telescoping mast. I had thought of a pipe
> but given the sandy soil here don't I need to pour a concrete
> base and set the pipe in it -- then slide the "mast" over it?
> (BTW: Does yours have a flat section at the base for
> bolting it down? Should I weld a plate to the pipe-in-the-
> concrete and bolt to it for added stability? No twisting.)
> - Thanks! & 73, DavidC K1YP in Hudson, FL
> ************************************************************************
> > Now my question. I'm putting up a 36-foot telescoping mast and
> > I'm looking for a source of inexpensive, light-duty earth screw
> > anchors. The purpose of the mast is for a multiband inverted
> > vee, but I also plan on putting a Diamond 2m/70cm vertical
> > on top. The legs of the inverted vee will also act as guys.
> > Since the wind load isn't really going to be that much, I plan
> > on using dacron rope for guy material (the black UV-resistant
> > stuff). I have a galvanized pipe which I will drive into the ground
> > about 4 feet and the bottom section of the mast will slide into
> > that tightly and be bolted as well.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jeff KI0RO
> > (ex KC0HEP)
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