[TowerTalk] Using A Big Iron On PL-259's

K7GCO@aol.com K7GCO@aol.com
Sun, 11 Jun 2000 17:48:28 EDT

In a message dated 11.06.00 12:26:36 Pacific Daylight Time, G3SEK@ifwtech.com 

 Jones's Law:
 >The secret is simple - high heat, short time. With an
 >iron, we consider 10 - 30 seconds the window for all four holes in a PL 
  ...and if your iron can't do it in that time, it probably isn't big enough!
 The Farnell catalog in the UK now carries 'Multicomp' UHF plugs with a
 solderless pressure-sleeve shield clamp (rather like the MA/COM improved
 N type). You tighten down with a wrench to make a solid shield contact
 that's strong enough to swing on. Only the center pin needs to be
 soldered with a small iron.
 The connectors have a gold-plated center pin, Teflon insulation, and
 nickel-plated brass body. RG58 uses a completely different plug body,
 not a reducer. 
 They are more expensive than standard PL-259s, but a real lifesaver for
 outdoor use.
 Farnell/Newark in the USA might have them... they're worth seeking out.
 73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                           'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
You can make a great connection to the shield with a much lower wattage iron 
(50W) by drilling the 4 holes one drill size larger, beveling the holes with 
another larger drill and adding soldering paste in the hole.  I had an 
article on this in CQ about 35 years ago.  It works great with pollyfoam coax 
also--no foam bleed out.  I've even wrapped the pollyfoam shield with #40 
bare copper wire, quickly tinned it and then inserted into the PL 259.  k7gco 

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