[TowerTalk] Frozen aluminum
Tue, 13 Jun 2000 17:37:38 EDT
In a message dated 13.06.00 13:02:46 Pacific Daylight Time, jerry@rchco.com
I've had a ten year old 204BA in storage outside for about 15 years...
The elements are "frozen" together at the telescoping connections.Deox
was not common back when they were put together... none was used.
Tried everything... can't get them apart!
Would elements in this condition still have good RF continuity and be
used as is?
thanks in advance
jerry k7xx >>
No. Solder the junction with the flea market solder and a Burnsamatic torch.
You can pound the connection with a hammer and it will enlarge the outer
tube. Then you have to file off the aluminum oxide and use a rotary steel
brush to clean the inside. I had some joints that had been together for 40
years I got from a friend. I used a jack hammer technique and a lot of time
to get them apart. The inside aluminum tubing diameter increased .015" from
the "Dreaded Alumitoid Yagititus" build up. It was really a compression fit
requiring special procedures to get them apart and not damaging them. It was
a capacitance joint with no DC connection. This is one reason I like quads.
One soldered ZERO resistance joint for the life of the antenna--no electrical
deterioration of the antenna performance.
One 3 element 20 M sample yagi in a Antenna software had over 50 telescoping
joints requiring over 100 SS clamps. It was the "All Time Dumbest Yagi
Design" I've sever seen in over 64 years. It could have over 50 capacitive
joints in it in time. K7GCO
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