[TowerTalk] YO in WindO

K4OJ k4oj@tampabay.rr.com
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 21:04:05 -0400

Running YO by K6STI has proven once again very rewarding - another 4 element
yagi put up Sunday seems to be humming nicely.

...someone should give him a medal it is software which even this QCAO can
use successfully...my only gripe is that I cannot get anything to print that
I design...would be nice to simply do screen prints of things like element
taper schedules...end up copying it down (how 2X3)

I run Win95 on the computer I YO with, when I try and print things I usually
get a message saying that it is unable to save to the clip board...very

When I save the plots as .PCX files they print poorly...inverting the black
and white colors nets very VERY faint lines.  Almost imperceptible.

Suggestions from the group?



Jim, K4OJ

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