[TowerTalk] Summary termination resistor sources
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 16:59:45 +0000
Thanks for all your inputs. However, I checked out some of the
supplied and still came up empty.
1. RF parts has a few "old style" carbon composition 2 watt resistors
$2 each!!!! The highest value they have is 270 ohms. Their minimum
order is $25. The have metallic film resistors. Not what I wanted.
2. Mouser - No carbon composition resistors in 2 watt size. They have
"ceramic composition" whatever they are. They have film type
resistors which are the kind I've been replacing. No good.
3. Newark - On line catelog is useless. Unable to determine just what
they had. Min order $25.
Interesting that these type are parts have been done in by progress.
73 de Brian/K3KO
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