[TowerTalk] Cement Drilling and Bolt affixing

Peter Larsen ve6yc@home.com
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 01:04:03 +0000

> Hilti HY-150 Epoxy Anchors using  1 inch diameter threaded
> rod and HY-150 resin are good for an allowable  5700 pounds 
> of tension each;

Good choice. I have seen a lot of equipment break yet the 
bolts didn't pull free.

When the winch truck's front wheels are bouncing you are
putting a fair bit of force on the bolt.
Bull rope broke, bolt didn't. 'Nuff said.

 Peter J. Larsen
 VE6YC  DO21wc

> "Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

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