[TowerTalk] Re: Beam Headings

Mark . n1lo@hotmail.com
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 08:19:22 EST

Guy wrote:
<< What if you have a long boom 2m yagi up above the H.F. beam. Suppose the 
2m has about an 8 degree beamwidth and you are working weak signals that 
just barely get out of the noise when the beam is dead on. E.g. your 
horizontal aperture is about 2 or 3 degrees. Better have it dead on, and 
your rotational indicator better be calibrated and linear. >>

Right on, Guy,

I use my Cushcraft 13B2 on my tower for 2m foxhunting and jammer tracking. 
High beams seem to be much more immune to multipath distortion than ground 
based portable/mobile beams. I have the rotor (Yaesu 800 SDX) lined up with 
true north (mid-day shadow method) and in triangulations in my county (with 
other stations), it has been right on every time.
I sweep the antenna from side-to-side and note the headings where the signal 
drops to the same strength on the meter, then calculate the heading exactly 
in between and plot it on the hunt map.

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