[TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 400 Roto-brake rotator available

Van K7VS wa7fab@cdsnet.net
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 14:49:31 -0800

I hope this is appropriate for tower talk, but if not excuse me!  I have a
rotator as described about and the transistorized control head (but not the
led series) type with a three hundred and sixty degree azmith compass rose
in a desk/wall mount controller. The rotator and control unit are in nice
shape and have been stored for at least twenty five years in a bedroom
stuffed with ham equipment.  I will part company with this unit for the best
reasonable offer received.  It is spec'd out at 800 pounds vertical load
with 4000 inch pounds rotating torque and obviously is designed to handle a
very big array.  Van, K7VS.  Medford, Oregon

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