[TowerTalk] Lightning GROUND switch wanted RE:DE K0FF
Dick Flanagan
Sat, 2 Sep 2000 19:56:06 -0700
>I was asked by a nearby HAM to help him
>lash up his station, using the MFJ remote (wired) relays,and was shocked to
>see that both his brand new units do not ground ANYTHING when deactivated,.
>The contacts are there, and wired in the X manner, but the ground plane is
>not attached to it in any way. Is this normal?
That's by design. I have a remote switch at the top of my tower for
switching a common coax to various antennas. When not connected, I
want my yagis grounded and my wires floating. So the first three
switch contacts have the NC contacts to ground and the last two float.
73, Dick
Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada DM09db (South of Reno)
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