[TowerTalk] RE: long transmission lines

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 22:48:44 -0400

I have a 1400 foot long open wire feedline made from number eight 
(or six, I forgot) copper spaced 2.75 inches. It was fed through 
transformers, and was reasonably flat from 1.8 through 30 MHz 
when terminated in 50 ohms at the far end coaxial output.

It has about the same loss as 100 feet of RG-213 cable on lower 

I abandoned using it because it radiates too much above 14 MHz 
(not enough twists in the wire) and it is too difficult to maintain (it 
runs through my woods).

73, Tom W8JI

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