[TowerTalk] Pse check KT34A dimensions for me.

David Rich kg0us@swbell.net
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 13:39:23 -0500

I have checked and checked and checked but the reflector half element is

about 0.250" shorter than the rear driven element using the dimensions
given in my manual.  The capacitor end caps are blue.

The dimensions for A, B, C, and D are as follows in my manual:

       Director:  A=51.000"  B=43.000"  C=23.750"  D=20.000"

Front Driven:  A=45.500"  B=43.000"  C=25.250"  D=18.000"

Rear Driven:   A=56.500"  B=47.000"  C=27.000"  D=21.000"

    Reflector:   A=59.250"  B=47.250"  C=28.000"  D=18.000"

The dimensions A + D effect the overall length so for

the rear driven element 56.500" + 21.000" =  77.500"

the reflector element     59.250" + 18.000" =  77.250"

As you can see the overall physical length of the rear driven element is

slightly larger than the reflector.
If this is not true what is it that I am doing incorrectly?


Dave kg0us@swbell.net

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