[TowerTalk] Foundation Costs

eisinger@micron.net eisinger@micron.net
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 15:02:21 -0600

A while back there was a discussion on how much to expect to pay for a 
typical crankup tower foundation. I just recently installed a 
foundation for a US Tower TX-472 and have the following info.

Excavation                                $ 85
Reinforcing Steel, Tie Wire, Forming      $100
Anchor Bolts and Nuts                     $ 35
Concrete (5 yds)                          $320

Total                                     $540

These costs are for the Boise,Idaho area and may vary by locale. 
Additionally, I did a fair amount of the work myself including hole 
clean-out, assembling and setting the rebar cage and anchor bolts, and 
pouring and finishing the (Redi-Mix delivered) concrete. These costs 
are probably a bare minimum unless you are ambitious and try to dig a 
4'x4'x7' hole by hand.

Also, as a note,I had the anchor bolts custom fabricated because the 
vendor price with shipping was too pricey for my tastes. I know there 
was also recently a bit of discussion on anchor bolt fabrication and 
the attendant risks...there is no magic to it as long as sound 
structural engineering practices are applied and the designer adheres 
to American Concrete Institute (ACI) and American Institute of Steel 
Construction (AISC) guidelines.  With that said, I would certainly 
recommend that a structural engineer be involved if anyone is 
contemplating their own substitutes.

Bill, AA7X

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