[TowerTalk] Best 'medium' beam

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 09:45:20 EDT

In a message dated 4/30/01 5:41:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
kaiserdr@yahoo.com writes:

> Anyone have any idea which is the 'best'
>  performing 'medium-size' beam? I want to keep the
>  weight and boom lenght reasonable, less than 100
>  pounds and 35 foot boom.
>  I have a TH-11-DXX, but am researching something
>  to go with it, like the Force C-31-XR for
>  tri-band operation, or a 40/20 meter dual-bander,
>  like the Force 520/240, which, despite the fact
>  it has two bands, the gain seems impressive.
>  I have Champion's latest 'Performance
>  Evaluation,' but it does not cover any of the new
>  arrivals, like Mosley's Pro, or any of the newer
>  Force models. 

    The Mosley Pro? Good grief.

    As far as the Force 12 antennas, you can use their 'net gain' figures to 
compare them with the antennas in our report since their figures basically 
corollate to our findings. 

    For other antennas (i.e., KT36XA), the figures are probably suspect since 
they don't use our protocol for their published gain figures whereas F12 
basically does. 

Cheers,    Steve    K7LXC
Tower Tech
<A HREF="http://www.championradio.com">Champion Radio Products</A> 

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