[TowerTalk] House Entry
Michael Pfeuffer
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 14:37:49 -0500
I'm doing something similar on my current project. The difference is that
I'm replacing the box cover with an aluminum bulkhead panel. I intend to
use Polyphaser bulkhead arrestors and didn't want to worry about Cu/Al
oxidation. I'll still have an aluminum/copper junction between the
bulkhead panel and the ground system, but I'd rather have 1 per system,
than 1 per coax & rotor cable.
Industrial Communications, http://www.inducomm.net offers Al bulkhead
panels in a variety of sizes.
--Mike, WQ5C
At 06:17 PM 4/29/01, Gerald Smith wrote:
>I am wondering about other ideas for house entry of hardline (1/2"),
>rotor cables and control lines. Here are my present thoughts.
>I need to come through a wall at grade level. I am thinking about an
>18x18x8 Hoffman box (3R for rain protection). This box would on the
>exterior and would be fastened to the studs (16" centers). To the rear
>interior of the box, I am thinking about attaching an 1/8 inch sheet of
>copper. I would then punch holes in the copper and the galvanized box
>steel for Polyphaser stuff. I would connect a rod ground system
>(Cadweld'ed) with #2 solid copper line to the sheet of copper.
>Inside the house, I would cut the plaster board away at the dimensions
>of the box and place molding around the studs, etc. to make a neat
>Out the bottom of the box I would punch for two four inch conduits. The
>conduits (steel) would have a gradual bend to horizontal below grade.
>Am I on track?
>Gerry, W6TER
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