[TowerTalk] Source for Lat and Long coordinates?

Arne Gjerning Arne Gjerning" <gjerning@flash.net
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 09:19:42 -0700

A number of sites will show a picture or map however your LAT or LONG is not
there.  I know the old "LOW TECH" way will rub some folks wrong but it does
work.  If you are near a sporting goods store that does sell serious hunting
and fishing items they just might have some USGS 7.5 minutes Quad maps of
your area.  Try such places as REI and the major outfitter type stores.  I
used this to determine my LAT/LONG prior to my getting a GPS (not for radio
work, but my 4X4ing trail mapping). Oh, maps are available through the USGS
(part of Interior Dept). You should see the USGS map store at the Interior
Dept building in Washington, DC, been there done that and the visit was not

I do not use LAT/LONG when 4X4ing. Instead I use UTM (all those black lines
across the 7.5 minutes quads). Each of the about 1.5 inch squares is 1000 by
1000 meters. Aids are available to interpolate further, in both UTM and

Another source is possibly your deed to the house you own as I think lots
are laid out in LAT/LONG (mine is).  If these fail try the county survey
office in your area and they might be able to lead you in a direction to get
answer. Some BLM offices have maps also or a National Park visitors center
near you.

BTW, HAMQUEST had me about 300 ft south of my actual location and I was able
to relocate the "star" to correct it.

I hope this helps those without GPS capability.  My searches did not include
any non-US sites though, sorry.

73 de Arne N7KA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eddy Avila" <k6sdw@hotmail.com>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Source for Lat and Long coordinates?

> Howdy....since I don't own a GPS, using just my street address is there an
> Internet site that can provide me with a fairly accurate latitude and
> longitude in degrees, minutes and seconds coordinates of my QTH? I know
> QRZ.COM has them listed, but I would like to confirm what they say, since
> originally they had my County incorrect!
> thanks mucho........73 /k6sdw
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List Sponsored by AN Wireless:  AN Wireless handles Rohn tower systems,
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