[TowerTalk] Ropes

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 12:58:09 EDT

In a message dated 7/11/01 7:19:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, w2fca@qsl.net 

> I believe there are static and dynamic climbing ropes. I have a bunch of
>  dynamic ropes that I have used for rock climbing and I've also used them 
>  working on my roof. They do have some give to them. For tower work, though,
>  I stick to an arressting lanyard. As good a job I may think I can do on
>  knots, I'd rather trust something made for the specific purpose of
>  tower/scaffold type work.
    Actually static and dynamic can be the same rope. The static and dynamic 
have to do with testing and load application. Climbing ropes need to catch a 
falling object (a REAL dynamic load!) whereas tower ropes have static loads 
are just used for hauling. The tests and ratings are entirely different. 

    The rope materials are probably the same - synthetic fibers like nylon or 

    BTW I just saw some 3/8" braid-on-braid rope at Home Depot for something 
like ten feet for ten bucks. It's not quite long enough for a tower rope and 
it's a little small for hand-hauling but if you've got an application for it, 
it's a helluva price and value. 

    The braid-on-braid (or kernmantle) type rope is THE BEST in terms of 
abrasion resistance plus UV doesn't penetrate the outer sheath so it isn't 
subject to UV breakdown like other ropes. My 250 feet of braid-on-braid 
yachting rope has over 600 days of use on it; figure 4 or 5 or more lifts per 
day and you've got a WELL USED rope. It's in very good condition and I 
continue to use it. 

Cheers,     Steve    K7LXC
Tower Tech 

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