[TowerTalk] 25G

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:23:12 EDT

In a message dated 7/25/01 1:33:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time, w3svj@juno.com 

> How risky is it to hoist 60 feet of 25G from somewhere above the C of G?
>  The club (Steel City ARC, W3KWH) is trying to get the ATV repeater
>  receive antenna a bit higher above the tree line. The antenna represents
>  about 1.5 sq ft of windload.
>  The plan is to assemble it all on the ground and secure the top guys as
>  well as tie down the hardline. Of course the earth end of the guys would
>  secured and the tower plumbed when it is upright.
>  The concern is, will the tower buckle under its own weight before it can
>  be swung to the vertical?

    Why couldn't you do it in two lifts? You're going to have two sets of 
guys anyway.

    The problem with lifting it just above the CG is that the tower will not 
be hanging vertically so that it will easily slide onto the base section. 
You'd have to pick it from directly above so that it would hang vertically in 
order to get the crane lift to work. 

    As for bending by picking it up more or less in the middle, I don't have 
any direct experience with it but it'd *probably* be okay. Try it and let us 
know what happens. (Just kidding. The advice is worth what you're paying for 
it - hi.)

Cheers,    Steve    K7LXC
Tower Tech 

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