[TowerTalk] New Source for Yagi Ubolts

David J. Windisch davidw@copper.net
Thu, 31 May 2001 19:43:57 -0400

Well, couldn't it just be that you have not experienced every possible
environment where galvanic action might take place?  The term "advertising
puffery" offends me and suggests that I am not telling the truth in my ads.
am about to take down one of my towers where there is a Telrex aluminum boom
mast plate at the 125 foot level with severe pitting of the aluminum where
has been in contact with stainless steel bolts.  When I get it down, I will
photograh it and put it on my web page for all to see . . .


Hi, Stan:

No, I haven't experienced, and didn't claim to experience, every possible
environment where galvanic action might take place.   I suppose, under some
condition, most any metal in contact with another will pit ..

'Advertising puffery' is one of the nicely-pejorative ways attorneys refer
humorously to claims in advertising .. eg, antenna gain in CQ ads.   The
offense you take was not intended by me to be taken.

It has been my experience, over the last 30 years, that the s/s I've used on
antennas, subject to the magnet test, has not reacted with al antenna parts.
It's still shiny-bright.  My 'control' s/s, not used in antennas because it
was attracted, does have discoloration.   Should have mentioned that that
'magnet test' came from the experience of chem-metallurgy types at
Westinghouse in Baltimore.

I haven't experienced the pitting you describe, or seen it on the many
antennas passing across my hands, the antennas whose hardware passed the
magnet test, that is.

I'm sorry for the effort you will have to expend shortly cuz of some bad

73, Dave, K3BHJ

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