[TowerTalk] New Source for Yagi Ubolts

earldery earldery@home.com
Thu, 31 May 2001 19:32:26 -0700

I'm sorry for the effort you will have to expend shortly cuz of some bad
73, Dave, K3BHJ

Hi Dave,
I don't believe that it is a question of "bad hardware". Based on your test 
of using a magnet to check the type of Stainless Steel used, I can 
guarantee that my hardware is top quality. I do get action between Aluminum 
and Stainless which I believe is because I am not to far from Salt Water. 
It is the environment
that causes the problem. Fortunately I have not experienced the problem to 
the extent Stan has, and that is probably due to my being inland ~ 2.5 
miles and about 300feet above sea-level.
73 Earl VE7IN

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