[TowerTalk] Making progress on 45G

J. Kincade w5kp@swbell.net
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 06:30:26 -0500

Bought two more Klein Haven grips yesterday, and two more comealongs. Hell,
it's only money. At least my friends around here that put up future guyed
towers won't have to buy them. Now if I can locate a contractor willing to
pound some holes in my sandrock out here, I might actually show some
physical vs. mental progress for a change. At least I'm well versed in
ginpole loading now! Also thanks to the info on this list, the mast will go
in early, with the first section or two of tower. I'll worry about how to
get it to the top later, along with worrying about whether I ought to have a
second rotor shelf near the top. Thanks for all the advice and help so far,
73, Jerry W5KP

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