[TowerTalk] MFJ 259B vs Autek?, Correction

ABowenN4OO abowen@nettally.com
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 08:47:11 -0400

N4OO said:

>If I could only own one, I suppose it would be the MFJ. I would hate 
>giving up the ability to measure L, C and coax loss, however.
I said some things in my earlier posting that were not true. My posting 
should have noted that my experience was with the original 259 not the B 

A review of the instruction book for the B model describes how to measure 
C, L and a number of  properties of coaxial transmission lines. The B model 
has a much wider range of measurement options than the original.

The B model does use more batteries and requires more current. Battery life 
is somewhat shorter, but I do not have a good estimate. The operating self 
check procedure does include a battery voltage measurement so you have an 
idea of the battery condition. If you are making a lot remote measurements, 
have some extra AA cells on hand.

Tnx to those who have pointed out my obvious failure to read the instructions.


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