[TowerTalk] Homeowners assoc denied roof mount tower request

krishna kkanakas@cisco.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 20:15:04 -0400

 As per the document, any changes done to the outside of the Qth will
need to
 go by the architectural committee.
 I got into it, just to avoid any questions that might arise after the

At 18:18 6/20/01 -0400, krishna wrote:

>  There is no clause that restricts any antennas in the homeowners
>  assoc document.
>  I requested permission to put up a 8ft roof mounted GM tower for
>  the mosley tribander beam.

I must have missed something.    If there's no clause against
towers why ask permission?   Put it up.

73 de Phil NA4M

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