[TowerTalk] Homeowners assoc denied roof mount tower request

Steve Rubin ser@tch.org
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 17:24:37 -0700

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 08:15:04PM -0400, krishna wrote:
> Well,
>  As per the document, any changes done to the outside of the Qth will
> need to
>  go by the architectural committee.
>  I got into it, just to avoid any questions that might arise after the
> installation.

Or you can do what I did...  I joined the board of the HOA (heh, I was
voted on!)... and now, no one bothers me about the antennas ;).  

Steve Rubin          / KG6DFV  /  Phone: (408)270-3258 Fax: (408)270-3273
Email: ser@tch.org  /  N57DL  /   http://www.tch.org/~ser/
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