[TowerTalk] log periodic antennas

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 19:53:42 -0400

At 11:09 PM 6/22/01 +0000, Phil Duff wrote:
>I've been curious about log periodics myself.
>The ARRL Antenna Handbook 17th Ed. has a 5 band (13-30mhz) design on a
>26 ft boom with 12 elements.
>The article text on pg 10-10 states in part:  "...this is a large array.... 
>with the same gain
>one would expect with a full size two-element Yagi array:"
>I acknowledge the benefits of the LP including bandwidth, feed impedance,
>but for a 26 ft boom and 12 elements I'd hoped for more than 2-element
>Yagi performance.

But that's about what you get.  Anything else is puffery, IMO.

73, Pete N4ZR
No, no ... that's WEST Virginia

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