[TowerTalk] Towers: Mounting Near Buildings

Nat Heatwole heatwole@clark.net
Tue, 1 May 2001 17:58:51 -0400

I'm wondering what the collective TowerTalk wisdom is on mounting towers in
close proximity to buildings? Close enough so that it would be physically
possible for the tower, if it were to fall, to fall onto a building.

The facts are that feedline, control cable, and real estate are expensive
and it's to a station owners advantage (looking at only this aspect) to
mount towers as close to their shack as possible. This usually means
mounting the tower with buildings within it's falling distance. The odds of
the tower falling in the first place are low. The odds of it falling in such
a direction as to hit a building in it's fall range is even lower. But the
odds still exist.

Is the general wisdom that it's ok to place towers within "falling distance"
of buildings to save on other costs or does the wisdom generally reflect a
"play it safe" attitude and state to keep towers well away from nearby

73, Nat, WZ3AR
Damascus, Maryland

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