[TowerTalk] bulb in rotor control?

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Tue, 1 May 2001 18:03:17 -0500

> It's 28 Volts AC.
> Use bulb type 1819 (28V, 40mA) instead of 1820.  They are readily
> available
> and are the original mfgrs. spec.  Don't know
> where you got the 1820 bulb from, but my Telex HAM IV specs a
> 1819, of which
> I have a box of 10 Sylvania
> bulbs as my spares.
> 73,
> Bill, N3RR

My Radio Shack catalog lists their 272-1119 as the type 1819 (28.0v, 40ma.),

dale, kg5u


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