[TowerTalk] Baluns and SWR

dan hearn dhearn@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 17 May 2001 11:26:16 -0700

Tom: There is a very complete set of measurements which will answer all
of your questions at

73, Dan, N5AR

Tom Martin wrote:
> I have read so many posts about baluns and SWR that I am thoroughly
> confused!  I am going to be erecting a 96 foot tower with a 5 element
> Telex 20 meter monobander and a 2 element S-402 by Mosley and a 3
> element Telex 10 meter monobander.  I want to avoid the ferrite core
> balun and use a coax balun.  I can get no consensus about how many
> windings, how many inches for the form, etc.  The manuals, antenna
> books, and TowerTalk members suggest 12 turns, 6 turns, 8 turns, 4-6
> turns, all on either a 4 inch form, or a 6 inch form, or air wound and
> taped. The list of suggested turns and methods of windings goes on and
> on, not to mention what type of coax to use: 213, 58, 8U, 8X, teflon,
> etc. The Mosley instructions don't mention a balun at all which I didn't
> use at a previous QTH.  I didn't notice any problems with front to back,
> gain, or TVI/RFI without a balun on the 402.
> So, what's a fellow to do???
> Also, I agree that trying to get the perfect match 1:1  SWR is an
> obsession with a lot of hams.  Of course, the use of solid state rigs
> has fostered this mania.  My 830 will get out fine with a 5-1 SWR.
> However, it is a bit disconcerting to see the reflected meter pegging
> the post on voice peaks when using the amp.  73 to all.  Tom
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