[TowerTalk] thoughts about property layout

Carl A. Smidt smidtca@sprint.ca
Sun, 27 May 2001 13:33:16 -0300

My exact sentiments.

73,  Carl   VE9OV
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@contesting.com>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>; "Dan Evans" <n9rla@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 22:39 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] thoughts about property layout

> Hi Dan and all,
> I may be swimming against the current here, but I really fail to see
> the worry or problem with triplex drop lines.
> > I have an almost identical situation here.  The power feed from the pole
> > to the weather head at the house runs diagonal across the back yard of
> > tiny lot.  At my place, the line is only about 10 feet above ground for
> > good portion of the run, and passes through the limbs of a couple of
> > maple trees on the property.
> Someone help me out with this. What is the big worry with a
> modern triplex 240 volt drop?
> You can almost use a buzz saw on the stuff without cutting the
> insulation. There is a bare ground conductor, and the maximum
> voltage is only 120 volts. It's much less dangerous than the cord on
> our everyday appliances, and no one worries about those cords
> laying on the floor! We work with fragile extension cords all the
> time outdoors and don't worry, and most of the time they aren't
> even plugged into GFI outlets!
> I understand how and why the old parallel wire drops are a worry,
> and I certainly wouldn't get near a primary line even if it was
> insulated. But triplex low voltage drops, with insulation that is like
> armor?? It's tough to drill through that stuff.
> Can someone please make me understand how a wire with
> insulation that is almost impossible to cut, and with a bare ground
> conductor, is more worrisome than a traditional line cord for
> electrical shock?
> I've never heard of any death or injuries from contact with triplex. I
> can't imagine how someone could cut through the insulation on the
> line unless they had a Skill Saw in their hand.
> 73, Tom W8JI
> W8JI@contesting.com
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> -----
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