[TowerTalk] Crank-up towers -- How to search the archives

GB blueis@sprintmail.com
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 18:11:19 -0400

>If there is a thread somewhere that I can be pointed to rather than getting
responses here, please point me to it.


I'm fairly new to TT and certainly a 'novice' when it comes to towers, so I
can't advise on the tower issues.  However, I can tell you what I am doing
to research my impending tower/TH7 project.

Go to www.contesting.com   Near the bottom-left of the page are links to
reflector archives... including TowerTalk.  Select the TT archive link.
What I did was to select each month and searched each month in order.  Once
the month-page opens, SORT the page by Subject (link at top).  Then use the
Ctrl+F command to bring up the Find window.  Type in    crank    , for
example.  The Find utility will take you to each instance of the keyword.
Print out what you want or take notes... whatever.  Once you get the
"Finished searching page" alert, hit the browser's Back button twice to
return to the month list.  Select the next month and repeat the procedure.
It is time consuming, but it works.  I have picked up numerous bits of info,
tips, and cautions by searching the archives.  And it saved me from getting
bitc*** at by the regulars.   hi hi

Hope this helps.  BTW... there may be an easier method to search the
archives but no one has passed that info along.

Gary B

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