[Towertalk] Great Tower Ordinance

kelly johnson kellyjohnson@telocity.com
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 13:10:01 -0800 (PST)

[ Stuff Deleted ]
> My message is that if you have an opportunity to meet
with your county
> government officials it could be very helpful in
resolving tower problems.
> Realistically, most of them are not out to "Get the
Hams", but the tower
> ordinances are being written to solve big commercial
installations and the
> little Ham towers just get caught up in the problem
if it is not solved in
> the early stages.

Do you actually believe that Ham towers are just 
caught in the crossfire in "most" cases?  If so, I've
got some prime real estate in Florida to sell you.
Ham towers are coming under increased attack by
people that think they are ugly, no longer necessary,
and are otherwise undersirable by anyone but ham
operators.  Aesthetics seems to be a PRIME reason
for ham tower regulation, especially in upscale
urban areas of California.  I don't for one moment
believe that hams are "unintentionally targeted".

By the way, I HAVE met with local beauracrats.  So, far
the lower level ones have been clueless and the ones 
with real decision making power have been hostile.  
I think a quote something along the lines of "If you
don't like it, talk to the city attorney" was what
I last heard.