[Towertalk] OCF Longwire with moveable feed point

N4CW@aol.com N4CW@aol.com
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:44:34 EDT

I have enjoyed working with ELNEC and EZNEC and modeled my favorite wire 
antenna, a full-wave antenna, fed a quarter-wave from one end. In free space 
it's a clover leaf, and above real ground it's got a "double kidney bean" 
pattern with nulls off the ends. Interestingly enough, the models show the 
same patterns when it's center fed. I haven't modeled that antenna by moving 
the feedpoint between center and 1/4 wave, but I suspect that for a given 
length of wire, it will radiate the same, regardless where it's fed. 
Maybe I'm generalizing a little too quickly, maybe not. Antenna scholars on 
this forum will set it straight.
73, Bert N4CW