[Towertalk] shoes...

Bill Coleman aa4lr@arrl.net
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 22:48:56 -0400

On 4/26/02 10:43 PM, Jim White at k4oj@tampabay.rr.com wrote:

>I have been hunting a good pair of steel shank shoes for years and theonly
>ones I could find were ten times this price....are you sure this is a shank
>that runs the length of the sole?

I don't know if the shoes I bought meet all your requirements.

WalMart had several varieties of work shoes. Many had steel toes. Only a 
few had steel shanks. The kind I got will bend somewhat from front to 
back, but they are very stiff. For $25, it's worth a look.

You may prefer something more elaborate and expensive. My feet and my 
wallet are satisfied with my $25 shoes.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901