[Towertalk] Coax opinions

David k4zzr@bellsouth.net
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 19:27:04 -0400

Mike....I've been wondering about the "other" RG-213's too.  I've been using
the RG-213 that Texas Towers sells which they say is Mil spec cable,
buriable and only 36 cents a foot.  I've never buried it, but it's worked
well for the past three years without any problems so far.  I'm also
considering using the RF Davis BuryFlex in my new antenna installation.

David, K4ZZR

> All this talk about coax and I find I am low on Belden 8267 or RG-213.
> That's what I have always used for phasing lines and short tower runs.  I
> see the actual Belden price (from Newark) is about .90/ft as compared to
> generic RG-213 from R and L and Cable-Xperts that is about $.40/ft (not
> Belden).  I know the Belden is Mil spec and the others aren't, but the
> composition and loss seem to be the same.  What is the general feeling
> these other less expensive RG-213's?  Is there any reason to stay with the
> Belden and pay the high dollars?
> Mike W9RE
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