[Towertalk] Took a hit Sunday--what to do?
Rudy Marcelletti, K8SWD
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:12:18 -0400
I took another lightning hit this past Sunday--but lost NO radio =
equipment--I had none hooked up! Lightning current comes in though my =
service ground, which is tied into my towers, one 50 footer by house and =
one 100 foot about 140 feet from house. The tall tower has the radials =
under it. Polyphaser type bulkhead on house with Polyphaser arresters =
on the coax and rotor cables.
My Yaesu rotor I was having problems with now works beautiful again! =
I lost every GFI receptacle in the house, the brains on the range/oven, =
the microwave, a TV, 2 ceiling fans, a wood stove fan, a cordless phone =
base, amplified computer speakers, electric garage door sensor, a =
battery charger, and a few other minor things--all covered by insurance. =
No radio stuff--cool!
What can I put on the service to shunt lightning to ground? Do the =
electricians have something? The neighbor says they saw the bolt hit =
the top of my mast. Maybe I got pulsed from farther down the line and =
my ground system worked fine?
Rudy Marcelletti, K8SWD
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