[Towertalk] Force 12 vs. Cushcraft who wins?

n6tqs@arrl.net n6tqs@arrl.net
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 14:04:53 -0500 (EST)

As is usual, your mileage may vary:  I've had good response by email
   lately, to a specific question.  

One of the locals apparently has had good luck getting through to N6BT
   and others, although he had bought a second-hand C4.  He did end up
   buying a relay box to extend the bandwidth of the 40M element.

73, doug

   From: <kk9a@arrl.net>
   Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 16:33:37 -0000

   It's interesting that you said this.  Several years ago I tried to purchase
   some de-expedition antennas for a trip to Grand Cayman.  I called Tom a
   number of times and he never returned the calls.  I build my own antennas
   instead and crossed Force12 off of my list of suppliers.  I am now looking
   for antennas for my house in Aruba.  Most of the locals are now using
   Force12 products and they are surviving the harsh climate.  They also
   perform well and I am once again considering their product.  Hopefully their
   customer service has improved.


   ----- Original Message -----
   From: <K7LXC@aol.com>
   To: <kk9a@arrl.net>; <TOWERTALK@contesting.com>
   Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 16:22
   Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Force 12 vs. Cushcraft who wins?

   In a message dated 12/2/02 6:46:29 AM Pacific Standard Time, kk9a@arrl.net

   >  I would like to point out that my 2001 Force12
   >  catalog shows Champion Radio as one of their USA dealers.  I don't know
   >  he still is a dealer and hopefully his recommendations are unbiased.

       Several years ago before F12 became the #1 ham radio antenna
   manufacturer, Champion Radio Products sold *some* F12 products. They tended
   to be custom antennas and only very occasionally a C-3 or C-4. The
   relationship was dropped after dozens of fruitless phone calls to Tom, N6BT,
   over a week's time where I was never able to actually talk to him. Any
   company that doesn't field a phone call from one of their dealers isn't one
   that I'm interested in doing business with.

       This doesn't change the fact that they make pretty good antennas but
   their customer service isn't on the same level.

   Steve     K7LXC
   Champion Radio Products

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