[TowerTalk] 6 meters and WARC

n4kg@juno.com n4kg@juno.com
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:55:28 -0600

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002  "Mike & Coreen Smith" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca> writes:
> Is it by chance a CC, A50-5S?
> I used one before and the F/B, gain and side rejection weren't 
> anything to write home about.

	So I hear.  Probably designed long before good
	antenna modeling software was available.  N4KG

> 5 elements really needs close to a 24' boom to be as super antenna. 
> (a la K6STI designs)

A 5L Yagi can yield 10.5 dBi on a 0.75 WL boom (15 ft on 6M)
with good F/B.  On 6M, a 24 ft boom represents 1.2 WL which
will realize at least 1 dB more gain with 6 or 7 elements as 
shown in the gain vs. boom length curve in the Yagi Antenna Book
by W2PV (also in the ARRL Antenna Book).  N4KG

> Respectfully,
> Mike VE9AA
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