[Towertalk] Anyone have Trylon Titan self supporting? Curious as to qual...

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik@subich.com
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 18:24:40 -0400

>     The AN towers cost more because they WEIGH more. I saw an 
> AN tower in person at Dayton and IMO it's WAY overkill for most ham 
> installations. If you want to hang a couple of big microwave dishes 
> on it or maybe a 75M beam - it's perfect. 

On the other hand, the AN tower has sufficient capacity to be useful 
in high windload areas (like Florida, coastal Carolinas, etc.).  Even 
the heaviest Trylon towers are not spec'd for a big tribander (C31XR, 
etc.) in 100 or 110 MPH zones unless you only want 40 or 50 feet. 


   ... Joe, K4IK